Archives: Agenda
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Nat Ciraolo | March 10, 2021
Speed Session
IDEA Start is a periodic call for ideas aimed at discovering, incubating and accelerating organizations and social impact companies that want to strengthen their business models and business plans, to focus on the creation of disruptive and innovative solutions, products and services that impact the health and reproductive rights of millions of people. A […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 9, 2021
Keynote Speaker: Data & Feminism
Data never, ever “speaks for itself.” The goal of this talk, as with the data feminism project, is to model how research can be turned into action: how feminist thinking can be operationalized to imagine more ethical and equitable data practices. In this inspiring talk, Catherine will present her 2020 MIT Press book, Data Feminism, […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 9, 2021
Speed session
IDEA Start is a periodic call for ideas aimed at discovering, incubating and accelerating organizations and social impact companies that want to strengthen their business models and business plans to focus on the creation of disruptive and innovative solutions, products and services that impact the health and reproductive rights of millions of people. A […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 8, 2021
Panel: “I’m here to answer your questions about sexuality and reproduction”: Chatbot, virtual assistants and conversational intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, via virtual assistants, can help millions of teenagers and young people get personalized answers on topics that are still taboo in many places. In this panel we will learn about experiences that are being implemented in different stages of development and we will talk about the social impact, the challenges, opportunities and […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 8, 2021
Keynote Speaker: A new generation of change makers
In recent years, new ecosystems have emerged. Led by young people, mostly women, they are driving social innovation in their sectors and creating a world in which they want to live in. The speaker will analyze the advertising, technology, digital media and social impact entrepreneurship ecosystems and how they promote reproductive health and rights in […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 7, 2021
Lunch break
Gabriela De Alba | March 7, 2021
Foro IDEA 2021 Opening
Gabriela De Alba | March 7, 2021
Panel: Rights as the creative brief
Why should the advertising industry get involved in promoting sexual and reproductive rights? Speakers will discuss the role of advertising and innovation, the benefits of using a gender perspective, the cultural changes, new businesses opportunities, context, challenges, achievements and opportunities.
Gabriela De Alba | March 6, 2021
Lunch break
Gabriela De Alba | March 6, 2021
Keynote Speaker: Do you have any IDEA? Reproductive Rights, essential in pandemic
The impact of the COVID19 pandemic on access to reproductive health and rights in Latin America
Gabriela De Alba | March 6, 2021
IDEA Prizes 2021 – Pitch Final
The IDEA Prizes provide USD$15,000 of seed capital and specialized technical assistance for companies and organizations that have participated in the IDEA Start program and that seek to provide innovative solutions to the challenges for reproductive health and rights in Latin America. After 6 months of training by experts in business models and preparation to […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 5, 2021
Networking / break
Gabriela De Alba | March 5, 2021
Keynote Speaker: AI for Social Good: health and reproductive rights
How to navigate a constantly changing present shaped by Artificial Intelligence and other digital technologies? Now more than ever, there is an urgent need to open our eyes and work together to harness the benefits that AI can bring to reproductive health and rights as well as mitigate the risks that could arise from its […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 5, 2021
Central Panel: It all starts with a ‘’why?’’ Bringing talent and passion together to find solutions for millions of people in Latin America
The innovation ecosystem for reproductive rights does exist and it’s currently expanding. To find out “why?”, this panel brings together pioneers and protagonists of this process to discover what prompted them to transcend their sector (advertising, technology, digital media, social entrepreneurship and activism) and come together with other allies to transform ideas into solutions for […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 4, 2021
Panel: The most important investment to impact the lives of millions of women and girls.
Why are the Social Impact Investment Funds in Latin America actively integrating the gender approach in their investment portfolio? What impact can investment in companies that offer products or services that substantially improve the lives of millions of women and girls have? How can Impact Investment Funds help boost the ecosystem for reproductive health and […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 4, 2021
Networking / break
Gabriela De Alba | March 4, 2021
Lunch break
Gabriela De Alba | March 3, 2021
IDEA Prizes Ceremony
IDEA Prizes 2021 winners announcement
Gabriela De Alba | March 3, 2021
Panel: Who will create the technology of the future for reproductive health and rights?
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, machine learning, blockchain, 3D, VR, IoT, APPs, wearables, video games, etc… Technological innovation is accelerating the fourth industrial revolution and promises to contribute to solving many social and environmental problems, but who is creating this technology? Are women’s social issues important enough to devote the attention of the technological world […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 3, 2021
Panel: Digital transformation and innovation in the Media and journalism ecosystem
Digital journalism is evolving. How are journalism and digital media transforming in Latin America, from innovation in narratives, feminisms, education and technology? How does this digital revolution contribute to the creation of a responsible public debate on health and reproductive rights in the region?
Gabriela De Alba | March 2, 2021
Networking / break
Gabriela De Alba | March 1, 2021
Closure – IDEA Forum 2021 – Surprise event!
Gabriela De Alba | March 1, 2021
Ideation LAB: Automating Feminism: Feminist Bot Design Canvas
Are you thinking of creating a feminist bot or a Comprehensive Sexuality Education bot? The Feminist Bot Design Canvas includes a series of questions to ponder when conceptualizing a chatbot or a conversational intelligence tool. Aimed at startups, programming professionals and communities, design thinking and technology professionals, or people working with AI, virtual assistants, chatbots […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 1, 2021
Ideation LAB: Transform problems into creative ideas
Now that we know the barriers that sexual and reproductive rights face, what can we do? In this workshop, both advertising agencies and professionals in creativity, design, marketing and communications will be able to transform problems into creative ideas. Through agile methodologies, those who participate in this LAB will acquire new ideas and incorporate tools […]
Gabriela De Alba | March 1, 2021
Panel: Feminist Influencers and Millions of Followers
A new community of content creators is emerging from a feminist, fun and highly influential approach. Who are they? What plans do they have? What is their impact? In this panel, we will learn how they are contributing to the advancement of reproductive health and rights in Latin America, as well as the difficulties, opportunities […]