Purple Stamp

We created the first certification for advertising agencies committed to equality and sexual and reproductive rights

2020 | Latin America | Advertising | New Campaigns | Abortion | SRHR | Publicitarias

Latin American agencies
applied to the 1st call


agencies of 6 countries
are in process of certification

Only capacitation

program about stigma
of abortion in Latin America


The advertising industry has a significant social influence when it comes to spreading ideas and behaviors, including transmitting stereotypes and negative perspectives about gender equality, diversity and sexual and reproductive rights. The growing demand by consumers who want socially responsible messages is powering a change in the industry, forcing it to adopt gender perspectives and human rights as fundamental requirements in their agencies and campaigns.


Just as advertising has reproduced gender stereotypes, symbolic violence and increased the gap between women and men, why can’t we use it to close it? We collaborated with Publicitarias, a Latin American community of communications and advertising professionals changing the industry from within, and with the company Bridge The Gap, specialized in diagnosis and formation of gender for companies. Together, we imagine an innovative approach that transforms the advertising industry by strengthening agencies that are committed to gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights, including abortion rights. Thus arose the Purple Stamp project, a public directory of committed agencies.

The agencies that participated in the program, five each round of proposals, were selected after an open contest, responding to the criteria of having a real commitment to change and expanding different opportunities for those peoples who are not in the larger markets. An important aspect of the program is that all all staff receive training, which ensures that transformation not only occurs among leaders or key personnel. The program walks shoulder to shoulder with the agencies throught the training process and cultural transformation, which culminates with them receiving an international certification that allows them to be part of a validated directory. This certification not only represents an advance in gender equality and human rights in the advertising field and their social and cultural influence, but also a huge opportunity in the communication industry. The agencies who wants to go through the screening process, formation, certification and to be part of the public directory are committed, among other things, to promote sexual and reproductive rights as fundamental rights for gender equality and the development of humankind. The final phase of this process involves the creation of a public directory of certified agencies, in order to make them easily accessible for all those companies and public and private organizations who seek to hire agencies committed with the values they demand.

Descriptive video of Purple Stamp


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